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Carta da parati lavabile per pareti cucina: la guida completa per tutti gli stili Image

Washable wallpapers for kitchen walls: the complete guide for all styles

Washable wallpaper is suitable for decorating the wall behind the stove, the splashback… But what are the fundamental aspects for a kitchen project? Here is the guide to selecting the best wallpaper for your kitchen.

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Carta da parati per scale interne: 3 consigli per un progetto di qualità Image

Wallpaper for stairs: 3 tips for a quality project

Forse ancora non lo sai, ma quando si decora la parete delle scale interne ci sono degli aspetti fondamentali da seguire per ottenere un risultato di qualità. Scopri come trovare la migliore carta da parati per il tuo progetto!

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Carte da parati di tendenza: i trend 2024 nella collezione METAMORPHÒSIS Image

Modern wallpapers: the 2024 trends in METAMORPHÒSIS Precious Wallpaper Collection

Quali sono le carte da parati di tendenza nel 2024? Le più originali, creative e ricercate: elevato contenuto estetico ed eccellente qualità dei materiali e di processi produttivi. Scopri la collezione Ambientha.

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Biophilic design per il bagno: progettare con la natura Image

Biophilic design for the bathroom: designing with nature

The Pantone colour promotes joy, creativity and optimism. But how to use this shade in an interior design palette? Experiment and give space to your creativity, here is the mood board created to inspire interior decoration and collect the advice given by Pantone.

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No piastrelle? 5 alternative per il rivestimento delle pareti in cucina Image

5 effective alternatives to kitchen tiles

Kitchen alternatives to tiles? Ceramic isn’t the only cladding option for walls. Of course it will never go out of fashion, but what innovative ideas does the interior decoration sector propose? Various materials: metal, wood, stone, glass and wallpaper of course: here are 5 alternatives!

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Come decorare una parete con la boiserie moderna Image

How to decorate a wall with modern boiserie

The boiserie represents an excellent solution to complete the furnishing of a house with elegance, style and personality. But what is there to know for the choice? Discover all the types, materials and combinations to use modern boiserie and create a refined atmosphere.

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8 idee per l’arredo di una camera da letto piccola Image

8 small bedroom design ideas

Light colours on the walls, matching and functional furniture, accessories and attention to detail, selected according to the style of the room: here’s where to start to find suitable ideas for decorating and furnishing a small bedroom. Let’s see 8 ideas.

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Interni Viva Magenta: la potenza del colore Pantone 2023 Image

Viva Magenta Interiors: the power of the Pantone 2023 colour

The Pantone colour promotes joy, creativity and optimism. But how to use this shade in an interior design palette? Experiment and give space to your creativity, here is the mood board created to inspire interior decoration and collect the advice given by Pantone.

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Come abbinare le pareti grigie in camera da letto Image

How to match grey walls in the bedroom

Did you know that the human eye perceives countless shades of grey? Discover the psychology of colour: what are the most suitable nuances for bedroom furnishing, to combine with grey walls and the most original ideas for wallpaper.

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