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I colori da scegliere per le pareti se vuoi dare luce alla casa: una soluzione stanza per stanza Image

Bright colours to choose for home: a room by room solution starting from the bedroom

When we cannot count on natural light, furniture and interior decoration can help: it is possible to visually enlarge the spaces by carefully choosing the colours for the walls.

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Interni ricchi di fascino e mistero: la carta da parati esotica Image

Full of charm and mystery interiors: the exotic wallpaper

Exotic wallpaper is a mix of distant flavours: browse the design gallery!

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La fibra di vetro dalla A alla Z: la carta da parati per gli ambienti umidi per eccellenza Image

Fibreglass from A to Z: the wallpaper for humid environments par excellence

Perhaps you have already seen photographs of showers with colorful walls, or wonderful kitchens decorated with wallpaper… Have you ever wondered how that was possible? Discover all the characteristics of fibreglass wallpaper, the most suitable for wet areas.

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Un’affascinante oasi di benessere: la carta da parati per decorare il bagno Image

A fascinating oasis of well-being: wallpaper to decorate the bathroom

The question many people raise: “Can I use wallpapers for decorating the walls of my bathroom?” And here is the answer, absolutely yes! From the bedroom up to the terrace, you can choose the design wallpaper for each environments of your home. The most important choice is the one about the material! Here you find the summary of what you have to know.

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