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La sostenibilità nella decorazione d’interni Image

Sustainability in interior decoration

Cosa significa sostenibilità in un progetto di design e nella decorazione di interni? Dall’architettura internazionale, i materiali ecologici e l’approccio biofilico fino alla personalizzazione (e non potevamo non rivolgerci ai partner di Decor Lab, il laboratorio milanese della decorazione personalizzata).

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Fuorisalone 2022: Ambientha partecipa a “Decorazione senza limiti”, evento organizzato da Decor Lab Image

Milan Design Week 2022: Ambientha takes part in “Decoration without limits”, an event by Decor Lab

The Ambientha house, during Fuorisalone 2022, will be a new space, designed by the Matteo Thun & Partners studio and built on a former industrial area, Tortona 37, which is at the center of Milan Design Week.

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Idee regalo per casa nuova: i complementi d’arredo, dalle pareti alla tavola Image

Housewarming gift ideas: furnishings, from walls to the table

Your friends have just moved into the new apartment, or you are finally done with your renovation works? It’s time for you to inaugurate the new house and there is nothing better than a housewarming gift enhancing your environment and, primarily, making you “feel at home”. And so, what’s this gift?

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Ambientha con Decor Lab: la carta da parati artistica nel cuore di Milano Image

Ambientha is partner of Decor Lab: artistic wallpapers in the heart of Milano

Showroom and laboratory in Tortona street, here at the Decor Lab you can see our artistic wallpapers and discover our bespoke services.

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Il Made in Italy senza confini. Con “No boundaries” il Qatar diventa la tela di Caterina Varchetta. Image

Made in Italy with “No boundaries”. Qatar becomes the canvas of Caterina Varchetta.

Made in Italy as art, with no boundaries. “No boundaries” in Doha wants to narrate exactly this: the smashing of all barriers and distances through the contact between distant artistic practices, which in Caterina artworks interact with each other and generate a new emotional journey.

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Knitting Rock Art: il wall decor si intreccia con l’Arte Rupestre e l’affascinante mondo della moda Image

Knitting Rock Art: the wall decor is intertwined with rock art and fascinating world of fashion

From the passion of a new project to the birth of an exclusive collection. Knitting Rock Art is born: the wallpaper is inspired by wool to tell the rock engravings, like an elegant wall fabric

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Per filo e per segno, la lana si intreccia con le incisioni rupestri per raccontare l’unicità artistica della Valle Camonica Image

Per filo e per segno, the wool intertwined with rock art to talk about the artistic unicity of Valcamonica

The territorial enhancement project Per filo e per segno takes us on a journey through different eras, styles and interpretations of the Camunian sign. The exhibition feeds our curiosity with panels rich in details, graphic design by Ambientha, for a complete immersion in the designs: from the study of colour, the original images of the fashion shows, the designs of the clothes, up to the explanation of the technique used.

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Ambientha debutta alla Milan Design Week 2019 Image

Ambientha makes its debut at the Milan Design Week 2019

On April, Sunday 14th, the first Design Week of Ambientha has come to an end. An entire week in the name of design has registered record breaking numbers, with a total of 1350 events in the whole city of Milan, for an engaging debut at Fuorisalone.

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