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Dal sole della Sicilia la creative designer Lorena Nicolosi Image

From the sun of Sicily the creative designer Lorena Nicolosi

Lorena Nicolosi has been collaborating with Ambientha since December 2019 for the creation of artistic wallpapers bringing her creativity and the sun of her land. Her first wallpaper is Swala Adventure, adventurous and welcoming and, this time, inspired by the warmth of the African land. Mal d’Africa is in fact the first theme of the Inspiration Book 2020 chosen by Lorena to convey her personal contemporary style.

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Happy Birthday Ambientha: un anno di emozioni Image

Happy Birthday Ambientha: a year full of emotions!

It’s been a year since that day of spring in Milan when the project went finally online. Up to then Ambientha was just a pile of files, surveys, moodboards, photographies, new collaborations… And then on March 26 was born.

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Il mio angolo di casa: #acasamavicini ai tempi del Covid-19 Image

My favourite corner at home: #athomebutclose during Covid-19

Home, point of reference and starting point. During such tough days it represents a place of protection, for us and everyone else. We have been asked to stay home and our reply has been “everything is going to be ok”. This article, typed straight by my living room, aims to collect the favourite corners of the italian families. The records of passionate, maybe even scared, but brave people. You and us, #athomebutclose.

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A lavoro come a casa: la carta da parati in ufficio, affascinante cornice di quotidianità Image

At work like home: office wallpaper, fascinating frame of everyday life

The busy life remind us that we need good and stimulating sensations in everyday life interiors. Creating the right atmosphere in the office is important to live well our days. Lights, colours, furnishing, decorations? Where to start from? Discover the wallpaper for the office, have a look at the project of CIP srl.

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“Gli errori e le imperfezioni rendono i disegni veramente miei”: Andrea Tarella si racconta Image

“Errors and imperfections make the drawings truly mine”: Andrea Tarella talks about himself

Andrea Tarella began his career by making illustrated books for schools and children, then continuing with various collaborations with international and luxury brands in fashion.

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L’uso audace del colore e delle forme architettoniche: uno sguardo al design di Martina Banozic Image

The daring use of colors and architectural forms: an insight into Martina Banozic design

Martina Banozic is a young Textile and Surface Designer, keen on experimenting new markets and different techniques.

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Lauren Wan e il suo viaggio intorno al mondo: da New York a Milano per il primo progetto Made in Italy Image

Lauren Wan and her journey around the world: from New York to Milan for her first project Made in Italy

From Hong Kong to New York, all the way to Europe. Discover the secrets of the tour within Lauren Wan world: exhaustive artist, mother, teacher and mentor.

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Sì, viaggiare. L’estate, il sole, la serenità per recuperare le energie e godere di nuove ispirazioni Image

Travelling. It’s summer time, the sun, the tranquility for retrieving energies and discovering new sources of inspiration

Ambientha wishes to accompany you on this round trip like the sun on summer days. Sharing experiences and emotions to live dreamy atmospheres where you can fully enjoy moments, fall in love with adventures and recognize the pleasure of returning home.

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Chiara Dattola: il carattere amoroso e un pò selvatico Image

Chiara Dattola: a loving and a little wild personality

Chiara Dattola defines herself as a creative nomad. In 2000 she initiates her professional career in the field of editorial illustration, design and art.

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