Lorena Nicolosi has been collaborating with Ambientha since December 2019 for the creation of artistic wallpapers bringing her creativity and the sun of her land. Her first wallpaper is Swala Adventure , adventurous and welcoming and, this time, inspired by the warmth of the African land. Mal d’Africa is in fact the first theme of the Inspiration Book 2020 chosen by Lorena to convey her personal contemporary style.
Ambientha interviews Lorena Nicolosi
Tell us something about you Lorena, what are your biggest passions?
I was born in Palermo, so Sicily is my home land, full of history, art, nature, landscapes; an enchanted place that everyone should visit once in life at least, and I live here! So everything that comes out in my drawings is influenced by this beautiful island, and my work becomes my biggest passion because it envelops all of this.
Was there a particular moment or event that prompted you to create your design collection for fabrics and wallpapers?
After graduating in Industrial Design, I worked as Design Director at an international Studio specialized in hand drawings on fabrics both for fashion and home.
How your drawings come out? How would you describe your creative process?
I usually first establish some guidelines about the topic I chose to represent, then I do some research on trends and finally I follow my sensations and artistic ideas that come out while I’m drawing.
How would you describe your style?
My style is recognizable and it is characterized by a contemporary aesthetics that you can find in any of my topics: from historical to abstract, from nature to geometrical up to ornamental styles. On digital sheets I work with multiple layers of colours, images, drawings that merged together create new images, colours and shades.
You spent some time in Middle and Far East… Did this international experience influence your artistic path?
Yes it has surely influenced my path, but most of all it strengthened the idea that our country is the best in many trades. In fact, Made in Italy means quality, elegance and emotions.
Mal d’Africa is the theme of your first wallpaper design collaborating with Ambientha : what you thought when you received a brief like 2020 Inspiration Book?
I really liked the Ambientha’s 2 020 Inspiration Book : I immediately had clear ideas in mind about the topic, subject and colours that I would have used to realize my drawing, surely following my sensations and creativity.

What were you inspired by to realize your “Swala Adventure” design and its colour variants?
As soon as I read “Mal d’Africa”, I immediately thought about giraffes. They are fascinating and elegant animals, both aesthetically and for their symbolic meaning. Giraffes are symbol of balance between rooting and the spiritual world. Their long neck invite us to look forward and go on, further and further. Their central horn is like a third eye: they are animal able to “see” with a great sense of perception, intuition and awareness. And so I started drawing…
Ambientha’s music playlists are the musical accompaniment of the interiors in which our products are included. Which song seems the best to you to accompany the Swala Adventure wallpaper you designed?
The song of “Swala Adventure” already exists. I like listening to reggae music and while I was drawing I was listening to “Africa Unite” of Bob Marley and I think it’s perfect.
Ok last question, which is your artistic dream for the future?
I would like to work in the world of prints. Currently I’m working in the design area, but in the future, I would like to concentrate only on drawing and make it my only job: so it is my dream and my goal.