Ambientha is born to express inspirations, travelling around the world, through values to visit, protect and understand. Suggestions and dreams come out from our experiences, our knowledge.
The most beautiful pain in the world. Wild nature, warm landscapes as the glimpses of the sun, humble and true smiles. In a present conditioned by big changes and precarious balances, we chose to tell a sensation . It is a tough task given the depth of the emotions but of so immense beauty that we can draw incredible inspirations . This is why Mal d’Africa , the expression of a wonderful nostalgia, a true primordial love.
It starts as a deja vu, it remains as a delicate and deep scar: Mal d’Africa and its originary beauty
The third continent of Earth by extension, crossed by the Equator and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. There are immense rivers and lakes, mountains and tropical forests to get then to the desert and savannah. It is a land full of variety , climates and environments, ethnicities and cultures, that leave you amazed . Unbelievable for those who live thousands of kilometers away from it in a completely different situation, but then it becomes so close, once you have discovered it. Close or better “already experienced”.

The meeting with the African continent is experienced as a deja vu , as if such a antipodal reality was inherent in our body. Primordial , original, a past life as the cultural historian and psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung wrote during his first travel in Africa: “I felt like if I had already experienced this moment and like if I had always known this world”. The first approach changes during the experience and it turns into a sensation of malaise and nostalgia once back home.
An adventure discovering uncontaminated landscapes: colours of the land, the warmest, purest and wildest
The red of desert and dunes, the terracotta color of village lands . The ocher tones of the savannah , the green of secular baobabs , the blue of the sky . Wherever you can travel, Mal d’Africa metabolizes this sensation of warmth that the panorama gives and impresses it in your memory, like a breathtaking sunset, the most intense you could ever see.
Photography by Andrew Rice from South Africa -
Photography by Ray Rui from Tanzania
This wide and uncontaminated lands wouldn’t be the same without their wild nature, feared and fascinating animals. Maculated coats, like if they were drawn by the hand of a painter , remind us of the surprisingly biodiversity of our planet.

An additional emotion that help us build a connection with the world and rediscover the importance of its respect and protection.
In addition to nature colours, we have sounds, flavours and smiling faces. The meeting with people and their anachronistic customs
African population is unfortunately growing under bad and precarious life conditions. We all can imagine the uncomfortable situation of these people, but only if you came into contact with their reality you can fully understand it and be aware of it. And only if your eyes crossed theirs, you can feel that sense of powerlessness in your life, that wonderful nostalgia : Mal d’Africa.
Photography by Annie Spratt from Sierra Leone -
Photography from Madagascar
True smiles and bright eyes are in contrast with the dark colour of their skin, and under the warmest sun, they capture a part of you that maybe you still didn’t know. Despite lifestyle, lackness of food and products that are essential for us, in our society. Despite their denied childhood or broken family stories, despite all, there is their “being human” stripped of the superfluous and the essential that captures our heart.

They are settled in different local cultures and traditions throughout the continent, dressed with rags or with their only one colorful cloth and they are magic. Their
innate sense of curiosity
, for example for the light colour of our eyes or for our travel tools, their voices that resound in
wonderful songs
their smile
. A child that has nothing but has fun playing with a branch and looking you, he hugs you… How can it not keep etched in your mind and soul?
The travel diary gets full of deep emotions till you come back home and you feel you want to go back. Mal d’Africa is a never-ending experience that we can relive
Ambientha chose Africa as the 2020 first collection of artistic wallpapers . Why? To relive these fascinating adventures and to keep in mind those beautiful images, also once back home.

Mal d’Africa is the first theme of 2020 Inspiration Book : a file used as a starting point to create new wallpaper designs by artists, illustrators and designers , both Italians and internationals.

Our aim is to reach the hearth of those who fully experience the world and its shades. Creating cozy interiors through finishes and emotions.
Ambientha is not the only source of inspiration for new tailor-made wallpapers . User contents are selected to become precious suggestions . We think it’s the best way to express the truth of experiences, including yours, through an exclusive decoration!
This is how Ambientha works : you can find online professional and quality materials to decor your home, office and public and commercial environments with contemporary, fascinating and true stories .