The charm of a country, the oldest in Europe. Portugal is the inspiration for new wallpapers: a suggestion rich in colors, art and culture proposed to artists to create new decorations, or in the case of Ambientha, new scenography. But let's find out more about the Inspiration Book 2022...
Inspiration Portugal: historical centers, monuments, landscapes and…
Portugal's cultural heritage preserves traces of Africa, America, Asia and the peoples who inhabited it before its foundation. 25 World Heritage Sites : historical centers, monuments, landscapes and intangible heritage…

From the ostentation of the Baroque to the splendor of the tiles and to the maritime inspirations in architecture , at the exuberant nature and to the warm sound of fado and the voices that accompany it. Here are the unmistakable colors and shapes of the fascinating tradition, art and culture of Portugal.
The sun always shines in Portugal, the shade Vegas Gold
If you follow Ambientha and its modern wallpaper collections you will know that the themes told through the Inspiration Books are every year a source of inspiration for the choice of subjects but also for the choice of colors. In this case, Portugal could not enhance one of the warmest and brightest nuances ever: Vegas Gold .

Perhaps you didn't know it yet, but like in many countries in southern Europe, even in Portugal the sun and heat are never lacking and, specifically, the Lusitanian country has the most hours of sunshine per year of the continent. In fact, some areas of the country reach almost 300 sunny days out of 365, that is, more than 3000 hours per year.
The splendor of azulejos in the first artist's wallpaper
“Can a tile have the dignity of a work of art?” Well yes, if the tile in question is a tile The term “azulejo” derives from the Arabic az-zulai (“small polished stone”) and indicates one of the most famous decorative forms of this land .

But what are these bright ceramic tiles like? Different colors create always different geometric patterns , or even grandiose battle scenes , characterizing the walls of the cities. Speaking of colors, certainly the white and the blue are the emblem of this figurative culture. From the exterior walls of houses to churches, from subway stations to the wonderful palaces of the navigator kings, azulejos color and characterize the landscape.

Now azulejos are also an inspiration to decorate the walls of your home with artistic wallpaper. Among the Portugal designs we find Tile Of Lorena Nicolosi And longing made by the interior designer Nunzia Ponsillo .