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Inspiration Book 2022: Women Image

Inspiration Book 2022: Women

The light of a smile and the imperturbable strength of those who choose to reach a goal. A past of conflicts and struggles that of women, who still today with difficulty carve out their place in society. But it is a future of hope , of equal effort and possibility, what awaits us and which we strongly desire. Giving birth to the most beautiful flower of all: the freedom to be , the equality of doing .

Thus opens the Ambientha Inspiration Book 2022, a new work for artists, full of ideas and suggestions for the creation of decorative scenarios: wallpapers.

The first Inspiration 2022 and the International Women’s Day

An important date to remember is 8 March , chosen to present Women, the first theme of the Inspiration Book. A day to celebrate the social, economic and political achievements , but also the discrimination and violence to which women have been and still are the object in every part of the world.

Our desire, here at Ambientha, is to recognize the value of themes close to our heart and tell them, through design and art. This is how Mimosa was born last year, precisely as a tribute to femininity, courage and the strength of women . The wallpaper with golden reflections reveals the story of a flower, which casually moves on the elegantly ruined texture and is preparing to embrace the atmosphere.

A future of hope and equality of doing

The caring caress of a mother, the sensual breath of a beloved woman and… a bright future! Everyday women and men fight to win respect and equal opportunities , in every field. These are real achievements for women, rediscovering female values and roles, in a certain sense anti-traditional.

Women – Inspiration Book 2022

We choose to represent Women in this way, a snapshot of everyday life and normality of women who make their way around the world. The historical evolution of women’s emancipation that took place in modern times continues and is making its way, also and above all thanks to the laws that recognize the role, as in Italy the divorce law of 1975, the right to vote in 1948 and the abolition of crime murder and personal injury due to honor, repealed in 1981. And in the world?

Women around the world

According to the numbers, it can be said that equality between men and women, for example in wages, is advancing in the world, albeit at a too slow pace. As the UN states, this is considered an essential change for a truly sustainable planet .

There is talk, perhaps with excessive emphasis, of “a century of women”: a new world in which women are at the center of the field, and thus recognized. The goal of gender equality that the UN has set for 2030 is getting closer and closer and we at Ambientha with Women wish to pay homage to hope for a bright future.

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