Per filo e per segno borns in the Valle dei Segni , so Valcamonica is called, thanks to the artistic heritage known worldwide. A magic place where you can get to know the Human story and its evolution in different historical ages through the subjects engraved in the stone, the rock art . Surrounded by 180 suggestive locations, walking among archeological parks, you meet warriors, hunters, tools to cultivate the land and scenes of ploughing, animals and medieval towers.
The wide variety of Valcamonica rock art has been included in the List of the Unesco Worldwide Heritage in 1979, as the first Italian location. Thus Per filo e per segno was born, to celebrate its 40 years and building a new starting point for the promotion of the territory. The rock art continues to fascinate for its astonishing amount of evidences discovered and for the time frame it covers, about 12,000 years of history .
A real love at first sight. It is the 1982 and rock art enchants the Atelier Marelli inspiring two successful collections
We get closer to what Per filo e per segno means nowadays, talking about Giuliano & Giusy Marelli , together in life as in working life. A successful signature of Italian style, their Atelier is situated in Milan and is a fascinating love and knitting story, began 50 years ago. But how the meeting between the Atelier Marelli and the Valcamonica rock art occurred? It was 1982 and at the Palazzo dell’Arte of Milan the exhibition “I Camuni alla radice della civiltà europea”. Giuliano and Giusy’s visit to the exhibition represented a suggestive discovery and, above all, the beginning of a new knitting project. With the collaboration of Valcamonica Mountain Community, the Marelli couple decided to create two new collections to talk about Valcamonica graffiti and rock art.

Per filo e per segno: the wool tells about the rock art of Valcamonica. People and Cultures, original design by Giuliano&Giusy Marelli
Inspired by the powerful expressive strength of Valcamonica signs on the rocks and the materiality of the same they created different total looks with the wool as protagonist. An original interpretation of Valcamonica rock art encountered a new expressive form, fashion. The collections of Giuliano&Giusy Marelli were shown at Pitti Immagine Filati in Firenze and later at Palazzo Serbelloni in Milan, immediately achieving a great success.
37 years later Per filo e per segno: the path to enhance Valcamonica historical and cultural heritage through art, fashion and design
This year the passion of Giuliano and Giusy Marelli leads in a new project, a new story of rock art thanks to the territory promotion project promoted by the Mountain Community-Cultural District of Valcamonica and by Unesco Site .

Per filo e per segno, at Palazzo della Cultura di Breno , leads us in a path through different eras, styles interpretations of the Valcamonica sign. The exhibition nourishes our curiosity with panels rich in details, graphic design by Ambientha , for a complete immersion in designs: from the study of colour, the original images of the fashion shows, the design of dresses, to the explanation of the technique used.
Introduced in 80s collections, the first show at Pitti Immagine Filati on the theme of People and Culture, and the second inspired by the Memphis movement and artists as Sottsass , a fashion show at Palazzo Serbelloni , we will carry on the discovery of the new capsule collection. A work of actual interpretation of rock art, approached for the first time to the idea of touch. The surfaces let Valcamonica signs speak, saturated with bright colours, which a modern street art take on a new tone of voice.

An engaging and interactive experience that gives us the opportunity to watch film from the fashion shows and finally get to know the Atelier Marelli. Giuliano and Giusy, for the opening on the 22th September, choose to show live iconic garments exhibited in all over the world : la Mantella Erté (Parigi), l’abito 3000 moduli (New York) e, la Cappa Aran , where “ogni punto è una storia d’amore” (Triennale di Milano).
The revolution of the art of embroidery and knitting. A creative workshop and a competition to communicate the actuality of rock art
On 22th September, Giuliano and Giusy involve all passionate and lovers of wool and manual labour in an operative workshop. After the lectio magistralis on the history of knitwear and its cultural role, thought as an interactive moment in which talking with wool designers, an explanation of an innovative technique takes place. Participants create and complete a garment designed exclusively by Marelli for the occasion, with DMC ’s Magic Paper wool and film, historical name for the yarn production and technical sponsor of the exhibition.

Per filo e per segno involves artisans, artists and all lovers of knitwear and crochet to take part in the creation of this new story of rock art. The Valcamonica Mountain Community , as manager of the Cultural District and and of the Institutional Coordination Group of the UNESCO site “Valcamonica Rock Art” , proposes to different realities of the sector to present their knitted or crocheted wool inspired by the symbols of rock art. The announcement is an initiative to promote the identity and the millennial history of Valcamonica, enhancing the natural resources of the territory, passion and creativity.
If reading you did not resist the idea of throwing yourself into this new experience, here you will find the most detailed information to take part in the contest , with the opportunity to sending your works by hand from 22 September to 22 November. If, on the other hand, you don’t want to miss the opening of Per filo e per segno : wool tells the Valcamonica rock art: we are waiting for you on 22 September from 10.00 to 18.00, the workshop will be from 14.30 to 18.00.