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Nuovi stili di vita e tendenze per gli interni: alla scoperta dell’arredamento e del design 2022 Image

New lifestyles and interior trends: discovering furniture and design 2022

What are the new design trends in furniture and decoration? Essential eco-sustainable solutions, new modern design, evocative settings, hyperdecorativism, home office and forest effect… Here is all the 2022 news for the interiors!

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Un’estate jungle style con la carta da parati Image

An exotic summer at home: tropical wallpapers are always trendy

Tropical wallpapers are like that accessory that sets you apart, that stands out in a crowd, trendy and sophisticated. They are modern and audacious but also chic and elegant, or why not vintage, the perfect combination for a decoration that captures the attention and enhances the furniture. But which design to select?

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La carta da parati come un abito su misura: scegli la finitura ideale per la tua parete Image

Textured wallpapers as tailored suits: choose the right finish for your walls

Each environment requires its own material and that is why the wallpapers are made with technical characteristics aimed at satisfying the needs of each space. But what are they? Discover the ideal wallpapers for the bedroom, the living room, the bathroom…

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Cos’è la carta da parati moderna? (E perché è importante per il tuo progetto di decorazione murale) Image

Everything you should know about wallpaper

All you need to know about modern wallpapers, scenographic design decorations for every area of ​​the house, designed by artists and designers to offer comfortable and suggestive atmospheres! But not only that…

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Un terrazzo da favola? Decora le pareti con la carta da parati per esterni Image

A fabolous terrace? Decorate the walls with outdoor wallpapers

Wallpapers for outdoor environments, only at the idea is it to be amazed, right? It’s all true! The new digital printing technologies but above all the latest generation materials have made it possible to decorate exteriors with wallpaper. Find out all the useful information in this blogpost!

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La fibra di vetro dalla A alla Z: la carta da parati per gli ambienti umidi per eccellenza Image

Fibreglass from A to Z: the wallpaper for humid environments par excellence

Perhaps you have already seen photographs of showers with colorful walls, or wonderful kitchens decorated with wallpaper… Have you ever wondered how that was possible? Discover all the characteristics of fibreglass wallpaper, the most suitable for wet areas.

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La carta da parati personalizzata: dai colori all’impaginazione del soggetto grafico Image

Customised wallpaper: from the colours to the graphic subject, an entirely made-to-measure decoration

Proposals completely tailored for you, designed following your character to offer comfortable and personal atmospheres. If you are looking for a customised wallpaper, discover all the opportunities available here!

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Audaci, classiche, tropicali… Le 5 idee di stile per la scelta della carta da parati in soggiorno Image

Daring, classic, tropical… 5 wallpaper ideas for your living room

Find out how to make a cosy and trendy living room, the most representative space of ourselves and our personality. The choice of colours, materials and finishes, for everything especially for the walls: 5 living room wallpaper ideas, a charming design solution!

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Un’affascinante oasi di benessere: la carta da parati per decorare il bagno Image

A fascinating oasis of well-being: wallpaper to decorate the bathroom

The question many people raise: “Can I use wallpapers for decorating the walls of my bathroom?” And here is the answer, absolutely yes! From the bedroom up to the terrace, you can choose the design wallpaper for each environments of your home. The most important choice is the one about the material! Here you find the summary of what you have to know.

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