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Carta da parati per scale interne: 3 consigli per un progetto di qualità Image

Wallpaper for stairs: 3 tips for a quality project

Forse ancora non lo sai, ma quando si decora la parete delle scale interne ci sono degli aspetti fondamentali da seguire per ottenere un risultato di qualità. Scopri come trovare la migliore carta da parati per il tuo progetto!

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No piastrelle? 5 alternative per il rivestimento delle pareti in cucina Image

5 effective alternatives to kitchen tiles

Kitchen alternatives to tiles? Ceramic isn’t the only cladding option for walls. Of course it will never go out of fashion, but what innovative ideas does the interior decoration sector propose? Various materials: metal, wood, stone, glass and wallpaper of course: here are 5 alternatives!

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Come decorare una parete con la boiserie moderna Image

How to decorate a wall with modern boiserie

The boiserie represents an excellent solution to complete the furnishing of a house with elegance, style and personality. But what is there to know for the choice? Discover all the types, materials and combinations to use modern boiserie and create a refined atmosphere.

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I colori da scegliere per le pareti se vuoi dare luce alla casa: una soluzione stanza per stanza Image

Bright colours to choose for home: a room by room solution starting from the bedroom

When we cannot count on natural light, furniture and interior decoration can help: it is possible to visually enlarge the spaces by carefully choosing the colours for the walls.

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Interni ricchi di fascino e mistero: la carta da parati esotica Image

Full of charm and mystery interiors: the exotic wallpaper

Exotic wallpaper is a mix of distant flavours: browse the design gallery!

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5 idee ricercate per decorare le pareti di casa, e non solo Image

5 refined wall decor ideas for home, and not only

Are you looking for original wall decor ideas? Here 5 refined proposals, from coverings and special finishes to accessories and design complements. For all tastes and environments: bespoke wallpapers, refined shades of paint and decorative resins, wood panels and even decorations realised with personal photographs…

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Un’estate jungle style con la carta da parati Image

An exotic summer at home: tropical wallpapers are always trendy

Tropical wallpapers are like that accessory that sets you apart, that stands out in a crowd, trendy and sophisticated. They are modern and audacious but also chic and elegant, or why not vintage, the perfect combination for a decoration that captures the attention and enhances the furniture. But which design to select?

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Audaci, classiche, tropicali… Le 5 idee di stile per la scelta della carta da parati in soggiorno Image

Daring, classic, tropical… 5 wallpaper ideas for your living room

Find out how to make a cosy and trendy living room, the most representative space of ourselves and our personality. The choice of colours, materials and finishes, for everything especially for the walls: 5 living room wallpaper ideas, a charming design solution!

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5 Idee per l’illuminazione del soggiorno Image

5 living room lighting ideas

The living room needs to be designed according to your needs, focusing on furnishing and light points placement and choice. Here you find 5 living room lighting ideas, the importance of natural light, creative and trendy suggestions and how to match them with your house style.

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