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Inspiration Book 2020: Power of Nature Image

Inspiration Book 2020: Power of Nature

Ambientha originates with the aim of giving life to inspirations, walking down a journey across the world’s souls, values to explore, protect and understand. Suggestions and renewed dreams arise from our experiences, from our insight.

Renewable energies in the world represent the true awareness of the present and its development in actions, aimed at taking care of ourselves and of the planet. Nature as a source of life takes on incomparable importance for us all. So for Ambientha it becomes daily inspiration, for carrying out activities and for telling new scenarios through wallpapers of exclusive design.

Power of Nature: renewable energies worldwide as an interior design topic

The planet is changing before our eyes. From the awareness of climate change , the condition of our present days that has been chosen as the first topic forAmbientha Inspiration Book 2019 , we figure out the questions and answers for our future: green energy. Power of Nature is therefore the new topic for Ambientha artists, illustrators and graphic designers along with Mal d’Africa and Little Steps within Inspiration Book 2020 .

Discover all the wallpapers inspired by the beauty of nature! Holders and ecological inks for giving new charm to the walls of your house.

Power of Nature – Inspiration Book 2020

The natural resources are at the core of the topic brief, hence the choice of pictures, for driving and stimulating the artists creativity. Water, light, wind and earth and their colours: intense nuances and neutral shades of the 2020 interior design trends for creating suggestive atmospheres within the interior. But the contents from which getting inspiration come from the users as well, how? Thanks to the sharings of #livingtheinspiration .

Looking around and looking forward. The contribution of the community for Power of Nature inspiration

Renewable energies represent worldwide the endless alternative to the production of energy without negative effects on the climate or global temperature. Besides the beauty and charm, the sunlight and tides, the waves, the geothermic warmth and the rain are real resources, they don’t pollute and spontaneously regenerate at the end of each cycle.

Ambientha community shows a great interest in the natural world and, thanks to their moments and emotions shared on Instagram with #livingtheinspiration , the suggestions for the artists come from many parts of the world .

The crashing of the waves by @alyonushka_ph , the sun rays through the leaves by @suump and the stormy sky above the wind turbines by @alexanderwagner81 , they all become a part of Power of Nature Inspiration .

Towards renewable energies: many countries worldwide chase the goal

The countries are moving, and above all they feel they have to, towards a climate-neutral economy, by employing their assets to the fullest. On one side, the solar energy , the most known “ green energy ”, employed and converted through photovoltaic panels , and the wind power as well, turned into energy by wind turbines .

Photography by Thomas Richter

On the other side, the geothermal energy , which benefits from the heat of the earth and its natural phenomena, the biomasses , the energy produced by any bio-based element, such as wood, and the marine energy , which takes advantage of the oceanic currents .

Besides this last one is the hydropower , renouvelable but also clearly exhaustible. Each of them with its peculiarities, and behind all of them always the respect and protection of nature .

May 2020: the pandemic and the increased necessity of a green economy

We are facing a situation that we’d never imagined, as a result of the pandemic of Coronavirus , and along with the overturning of our lives, the climate is being affected too. This time, however, we’ll talk about it under a positive light. With the lockdown involving all the world , the suspension of millions of enterprises and activities, public transports, airplanes, we could say the planet has carved out some fresh air: the CO2 emissions drastically decreased in every country. But what is going to happen as soon as we get back, hopefully soon, to normality?

Europe is moving towards a climate-neutral economic model, which means neutral in terms of polluting emissions. Renewable energies, the energetic efficiency, the environmental protection and the reduction of pollution are the key points for leaving Covid-19 emergency behind, while maintaining a fixed goal: overcoming the climatic emergency .

A big hope in the heart. Wallpapers invite us to reflect, painting nature and renewable energies

We are facing a tough period and Ambientha wants to offer its support . We are motivated to do well, to be more creative and to offer high-quality products and services at a fair price. With a big hope within our heart, of walking out of this sad chapter all together, a story that has left a deep wound into each one of us. Wind of Change represents, this way, the first candid and magic plan for the future, for a thoughtful and pervasive hug within the interior.

The wallpaper for the master bedroom and the children’s ones , is like a light breeze, lively and delicate, realized by the english artist Klara Hawkins . Nature fills the environment and creates new atmospheres within our everyday world. The tailored decorations become this way the unfold of a narration, the one you have at heart and that let you express your personality through designs and exclusive colours.

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