Why wallpaper for the bedroom ? And above all, which one? Wallpaper allows you to give your room a romantic, relaxing and sophisticated look thanks to exclusive and personalised designs. Not only that, professional materials certified to last over time tailored to your needs.
Infuse serenity in your environment by following some simple rules: from light, to colours to materials to choose between refined and trendy decorations. Modern or vintage prints that evoke distant atmospheres, the wallpaper is perfect for creating a dreamy and refined atmosphere or completely transforming the appearance of the room, without however changing the furniture or layout.
Why choosing a bedroom wallpaper? How to make your interior fascinating, unique and cosy
Among all the advantages of the modern wallpapers Wallpapers are the best choices if you want to give personality to a new bedroom with still white walls but also if you want to renovate your interiors without invasive and expensive interventions . With a lower cost than the one of a restructuring, wallpaper gives bedrooms a completely new look, an undeniable charm, thanks to exclusive and artistic designs. It is in fact a design covering, certified and professional, long-lasting and overall… tailor made!
Wallpaper Tulip Silk by Ambientha -
Wallpaper Iridescent Forest by Ruxandra Chivu
You should choose a
breathable material
for your bedroom.
Living wallpaper,
ecological and plastic-free
, is the most suitable material for residential interiors, especially for the sleeping area of parents and kids.
If you prefer a resistant and washable material you should choose a vinyl wallpaper , which is usually used in public spaces. After these clarifications on materials features, it is time to choose on which wall to install the wallpaper so that it highlights the decor.
Where to install wallpapers according to interior needs
It is good to always seek the balance among bedroom furnishings. In double rooms people usually choose to focus on the wall where the head of the bed is . Wallpapers become the perfect frame for our relaxing moments. But talking about artistic wall frames, you can choose to decor a wall in order to enhance other furnishing accessories , such as a chest of drawers, mirror or desk.

Applying wallpapers on walls with windows is not that easy because not every single design applies to this particular need. But choosing a decorative element for which the interruption of the wall does not cause problems but rather enhances its vision outside, could be interesting because of the natural light that reflects on the colours of the wallpaper.
We have only talked about one single wall, but what if they were two or more? In this case our advice is to opt for two adjoining walls , so that wallpaper can wrap the bedroom without creating a sense of oppression. Keep in mind that wallpapers can be used also to highlight a particular niche in the room or to cover architectural elements like columns.
Urban, romantic or ethnic? Which wallpaper design best fits your bedroom needs?
After theory it’s time to move on to practice. You can choose among thousands of different wallpaper designs, from abstract to illustrated ones, to hand-made ones, ethnic, minimal, shabby chic… Browsing the Ambientha‘s catalogue , you will realise that you can recreate any style you wish, here are some bedroom projects from which you can take inspiration . Remember to start searching for the perfect decoration according to your tastes and they won’t let you down: your room will express your personality.
Wallpaper Arborea Isabelle for modern bedroom -
Wallpaper Red Blooming for ethnic bedroom
A modern bedroom with a contemporary floral wallpaper design with overlapped layers? Or an ethnic atmosphere , characterised by the magic of a distant travel, wraps the bedroom with big tropical flowers. A very trendy style today that you can match with furniture with essential lines to convey a lightness effect. Red Blooming wallpaper, hand drawn by the illustrator Andrea Tarella , pays homage to mother nature’s beauty . Its bright colours light up the interior and give it an exotic footprint.

If you prefer the urban style , among Ambientha tailor-made wallpapers , you can find CityArt Milano , that guides you into the streets of the Milanese regional capital. The tone-on-tone design, elegant and essential, depicts the city map on a sage green background, which is one of the 2020 trendy shades for interior design , together with pastel colours. This decoration perfectly matches with minimal and industrial decor and with natural materials.

Do you prefer a chic and original idea? Deja Vu Wave could be the right wallpaper for you, able to decor and make people dream at the same time. China tracts, peach blossoms and fish colours convey the bedroom a refined and romantic charm.
When wallpapers tell a true story: artistic decorations inspired by nature and environmental sustainability
Subtle Tundra , drawn by the illustrator Chiara Dattola , interprets one of the themes we care most about: the relationship between men and nature. The wallpaper reminds of climate changes and of the contribute human beings can give to defend the planet. The artist faces the theme with great delicacy through pastel shades: men appear small compared with the majesty of nature. This design is thought to leave space to imagination and to open people’s mind. Maybe an unexpected story for a wallpaper , but it is still a vibrant decoration, not only for its aesthetic value.
Wallpaper Subtle Tundra – Design by Chiara Dattola -
Wallpaper Aster Pollen – Design by Federica Baruffi
If you are a nature lover Ivy Effect and Aster Pollen can be one of your options. The wallpaper by Andrea Bertoletti and Federica Baruffi turn the spotlight on sustainable development.

The bright ivy colour turns into a refined background for walls, becoming a perfect frame for scandinavian or modern bedrooms, minimalist but well-kept at the same time. It is perfect to find the right chromatic combination with light furniture, parquet floors and sophisticated furnishing accessories.
An amazing landscape or the photograph of one of your travels? Discover bespoke wallpapers for bedrooms
Would you like one of your photographies as background of your dreams? Turning directly to Ambientha, you can use your photograph to realise a bespoke and unique decoration . You can give us an high resolution photo, or ask for some different photographic proposal just telling us which landscape you’d like to decor your bedroom.
It doesn’t matter if you choose a sunny beach or an enchanted castle, an expanse of flowers of thousand colours or the snowy peak of a mountain: the wallpaper will make you relive the emotions of that particular place, directly among your home walls.
An “out of line” style. The classic wallpaper now brings joy and dynamism in bedrooms.
Does your home has a Seventies vintage style and would you like a classic and modern wallpaper for your bedroom? Rhythm could be the right choice for you. The stripes mood is an evergreen trend but these design stripes are different from all the others.
The faded colours on the textured background break the logic of the lines through a harmony of light edges, literally out of lines, which makes it even more special and refined. The shades are warm and cozy: from avory to marc, from ocher to salmon, a surprisingly chromatic mix to be enhanced with monochromatic decor and wood finishes.