Modern wallpaper finds perfect use in all environments and represents a refined choice that can give personality and style to the space . For hotels, restaurants, spas, but also shops and professional studios, the wallpaper is now made with certified materials for public areas, resistant to traffic and humidity . It is the perfect decorative solution to create charming and memorable lobbies, dreamy bedrooms and bathrooms for complete relaxation. But what are the essential requirements for a hotel wallpaper ? Material, design and, above all, certifications . Find out all the details in the article.
Which wallpaper to choose for all areas of a hotel
La scelta del supporto da utilizzare sarà differente a seconda dell’ambiente e, di conseguenza, delle sue caratteristiche. Per le camere da letto di un hotel infatti è possibile scegliere tra finiture traspiranti e prive di pvc o resistenti e lavabili, mentre per i bagni o il ristorante la scelta ricadrà sulla carta da parati in fibra di vetro… Ecco qui i dettagli.
The wallpaper for hotel bedrooms
A hotel room is important to be a relaxing space, which allows you to rediscover the same welcoming and comfortable atmosphere of home. For this reason, first of all it is good to consider the choice of colour combinations, soft and enveloping, and in particular the colours of the wallpaper, being a large decorative element.
Discover the design wallpapers, certified for public spaces and handcrafted with Made in Italy production.

Secondly, it is necessary to choose the cladding material based also on the characteristics of the room and the clientele of the structure. For a rather secluded wall that can hardly be touched during the stay, it is possible to choose among the LIVING wallpapers by Ambientha: in non-woven PVC-free, they are the breathable and more refined option as a result of printing, in colours and finishes, but not washable with water.

For passage walls and rooms often frequented by families with children, which therefore require more cleaning, it is a good idea to choose among Ambientha’s PRO wallpapers:
vinyl and resistant to heavy traffic
, they are
washable with water
and a soft cloth.
The wallpaper for a hotel bathroom
… And for spas and shower interiors! In recent years, interior designers and architects have increasingly experimented with scenographic and modern solutions , such as walk-in showers, often decorated with wallpaper. In these cases, the chosen covering must be wet resistant (the fibreglass wallpaper) and, if in direct contact with water, coupled with a surface waterproofing treatment .

Ambientha , in addition to the custom-made realisation of each wallpaper, also provides the Wet System , that is the complete cycle to proceed with the resin covering of the decoration.This is the only way to make sure that the decoration lasts over time despite humidity and water.
The wallpaper for halls, corridors, restaurants
For this type of space, the choice of a PRO vinyl wallpaper, with high resistance to high traffic and a good degree of washability, may be enough. However, as spaces are easily dirty by guests, you can choose to proceed with the resin surface treatment to make the walls completely resistant. The decoration of the walls will give charm to the environment and, chosen the design and colours with the right attention, it will be a way to illuminate the hall and make it recognizable.
The wallpaper with soundproofing power
In addition to being a decorative element of style, modern wallpapers have high and targeted technical aspects. For special uses, in fact, there is the Fibreglass Acoustic wallpaper: it is the Ambientha coating with soundproofing power , ideal for example for large hotel lobbies. Unlike Fibreglass Wet, suitable for wet environments as written above, this material is thicker and coupled with acoustic support that allows the improvement of acoustic comfort . Both Fibreglass materials are paintable and resistant to tearing and traction .

The fire resistance of wall coverings for hospitality structures
This is a certification not required for decorating the walls of homes but mandatory for public places and hotels . European regulations on building materials impose precise technical requirements and, for wallpapers, the use of materials with fire reaction certification. In fact, wallpapers must have fire retardant properties, this is important to prevent flames from spreading in the event of a fire in the interior.
Digital printing for scenographic and personalised wallpapers
It is now customary to find in the projects of new receptive structures, environments with accessories or decorative elements that enhance the context, the history, the culture of the geographical places in which they are inserted. Just think of a wonderful Apulian boutique hotel among the trulli, or the best new romantic hotels in Europe , among the most beautiful in the world. It is essential that each accommodation facility is able to convey the identity of the place and its own. The wallpaper, if digitally printed, is a characteristic element for hotels, which can portray landscapes, works of art of any style, and above all be personalised.

It is precisely by choosing the digital printing creations that you have the possibility of having highly personalised and scenographic decorations , in fact the graphics will not be a repeated motif as for traditional upholstery. Completely cut to size, these can be changed in the colours and layout of the layout to combine with the style of the hotel and thus contribute to enhancing its identity.