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Casa in stile nordico? L’inverno profuma di atmosfere scandinave Image

Nordic style house? Winter smells of Scandinavian atmospheres

Adopting the minimalist approach to furniture and decoration: but what are the essential rules for a Nordic-style home?

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5 idee per rendere unico l’arredamento della cameretta Image

5 ideas to make the children’s bedroom furniture unique

Finding the right style for children’s bedroom furniture is anything but simple: here are 5 original and design ideas!

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Restyling casa per l’autunno: il comfort ha i colori di Amsterdam Image

Home restyling for autumn: comfort has the colours of Amsterdam

For an autumn-inspired restyling we have collected ideas from a suggestive loft in Amsterdam, where industrial does not mean cold and impersonal but pleasant, inviting and current.

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Colori rilassanti per la camera da letto: quali scegliere per il relax nella zona notte Image

Relaxing colours for the bedroom: which ones to choose for relaxation in the sleeping area

Whether you choose to paint the walls or apply a custom wallpaper, it is necessary to favor soothing colours for the bedroom, which promote sleep and relaxation. But what are the most suitable shades? Some ideas for furniture and decoration…

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Nuovi stili di vita e tendenze per gli interni: alla scoperta dell’arredamento e del design 2022 Image

New lifestyles and interior trends: discovering furniture and design 2022

What are the new design trends in furniture and decoration? Essential eco-sustainable solutions, new modern design, evocative settings, hyperdecorativism, home office and forest effect… Here is all the 2022 news for the interiors!

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Hippie, esotico e anche raffinato: l’arredamento Boho Chic Image

Hippie, exotic and even sophisticated: Boho Chic decor

You have a bohémien spirit, the colourful environments bring you joy and you find the style of Scandinavian or minimal houses boring and characterless? There is only one response: Boho Chic decor.

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Armonia fuori e dentro casa: il giardino zen Image

Armony outside and inside the house: the zen garden

A place for reflection and mental and physical well-being, where all the natural elements that make it up, feed body and soul. The zen garden embodies this concept and much more… If you are a nature and gardening lover, open the doors of your home, this japanese philosophy will let you create harmonious environments outside and inside the house.

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Ispirarsi al feng shui per i colori della camera da letto Image

Taking inspiration from feng shui for choosing your bedroom colors

Why leaving something in the way, something that could perhaps do us a favor? The idea behind feng shui is simple: we’re always under the influences coming from the environment surrounding us, so why should we let them affect us with a passive and casual attitude? The colors for example, they’re a crucial part for creating lovely and charming atmospheres within our house.

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5 Idee per l’illuminazione del soggiorno Image

5 living room lighting ideas

The living room needs to be designed according to your needs, focusing on furnishing and light points placement and choice. Here you find 5 living room lighting ideas, the importance of natural light, creative and trendy suggestions and how to match them with your house style.

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