Take the minimalist approach to furniture and decoration that Scandinavians are famous for. But there’s more. For a winter inspired by the Nordic style, the house is colored in white , the rooms are essential in the furnishing choices and express a welcoming and clean order , airy atmospheres and a reference to nature . It is very important not to forget the use of natural materials and fibers, as well as biophilic decorations, for interiors that choose to follow the Scandinavian style.

Black courts white with sweet details here and there, like choosing black marble for a coffee table in the living room, bringing charm and elegance. Beige and gray alternate and mix, enhancing the natural light and ensuring a cozy and warm feeling in the atmosphere. Among the fundamental colors for a Nordic-style home are the nuances of wood, from the lightest for the floors of living rooms and kitchens to the darkest for the furniture in romantic bedrooms. One of the most fascinating trends in interior decor are modern wallpapers: natural landscapes or decorations with soft and biophilic lines.
In the mood board to decorate the walls of a Nordic-style house:
- Natural landscape wallpaper – Eagles Sunray by Federica Baruffi
- Soft tones wallpapers details – Fields of Gold e Deco Grey by Chiara Dattola