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Mobili, luci e colori per comporre la perfetta armonia in una mansarda open space Image

Combine furniture, lights and colours to create the perfect harmony in the attic conversion

Whether it has to be restructured or of new construction, the interior design choices for a small loft conversion offer you many sources of inspiration and cutting-edge ideas. An unconventional and romantic house.

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Mobili come nuovi: riqualificare gli interni dello stile che desideri con le pellicole adesive Image

Just like new furniture: enhance interiors with the style you want using self adhesive films

Time passes, the surfaces of the house are damaged and we change tastes, desires. For this there is the adhesive film, to redevelop the interiors without having to replace the furniture elements. A material and conformable decoration for the furniture and also for the walls. And these are certified materials that last over the years…

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Scegliere l’abbinamento cromatico per i tuoi ambienti: pareti e mobili in armonia Image

Choose your interior colour combination: create harmony between walls and furniture

Creating a chromatic balance between furniture and walls is fundamental, so that interiors look like we wish: harmonious and trendy, perfectly matching with each other. Finding the right combination is not easy, but there are some basic rules that could help us reach the goal without failing.

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La magia del viaggio a casa tua: come arredare gli interni in stile ethnic chic Image

The magic of a journey within your house: decorating interiors with the ethnic chic style

Imagine your bedroom with a romantic wood canopy in the middle of it, dressed with white linen drapes. A delicate perfume of fresh plants and flowers fills the environment. In this room, stone, clay and wood are the natural materials most widely used and the colors are soft, with some shades ranging from green to bordeaux, in an enchanting ethnic style as of luxury lodges.

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Come dividere gli spazi interni: la libreria passante Image

How to separate interiors: the freestanding bookcase

The freestanding bookcase is a functional, convenient and with high aesthetical content idea to create two rooms within an open space. Separating is not synonym of closing, but rather of managing your spaces to the best, with a personal touch defined by design.

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