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Maison & Objet: verso la Paris Design Week 2019 Image

Maison & Objet: towards Paris Design Week 2019

Maison et objet - Paris Design Week 2019
MAISON&OBJET 2019 ©Fiffioux & f Fillioux

September is the month dedicated to design in Paris . From 5 to 14 September Paris Design Week will go on stage, along with Maison & Objet , which establishes the beginning of the new creative year for designers, showing up here from all over the world. And more: producers, dealers, companies, artists or maybe just amateurs, coming to Paris to visit 4 dynamic districts scattered around the city and providing almost 200 places where discovering the new design proposals .

Maison et objet - Paris Design Week 2019
MAISON&OBJET – 2019 What’s New Share J19 © AETHION

Starting by museums and city institutions, the territories conquered by international design during Maison & Objet are hotels, shops, restaurants, art galleries and concept stores.

New ideas for the environments we live in… but mostly, where we work at. Let’s talk about WORK!

Interior design is not just associated to domestic dwellings anymore. Maison & Objet makes us reflecting about the work environment as a contemporary domestic space : comfortable, inspiratory, relaxing but also energizing. The new concepts of dynamic work set us free from the idea of a desk and chair, driving us to new forms of co-working, where the space itself has to be interactive.

The same way we personalize our house, walls and furnishings of the office become the projection of the surrounding soul and of its function. Maison & Objet, with its professionals and young creatives , makes an interpretation of a new way of conceiving work out of interior design.

Maison et objet - Paris Design Week 2019

Da 25 anni Maison & Objet è partner di professionisti del settore design e living, e per il 2019 punterà i riflettori sul progetto WORK! 1000 mq, disegnati da Philippe Boisselier, saranno dedicati alle migliori soluzioni di design per l’ambiente di lavoro allo scopo di rendere questi spazi più coinvolgenti e dinamici. Inoltre, durante la Paris Design Week troveremo cicli di conferenze inerenti queste tematiche che riuniranno i principali attori della progettazione di interni per uffici. WORK! in progress…

Le Off: the event dedicated to young international designers.

Interactive projects, DIY (Do-it-yourself Design), Food Design… The ways of conceiving the development of objects and spaces nowadays are many and always more. With Le Off , creative hub of Vertbois district in Paris, Maison & Objet gives space to young international designers with some experience within the sector, below eight working years. Le Off allows them to mature as professionals of the sector and let them introducing their prototypes and special editions to the intrigued and vigilant public of Paris Design Week. The spectators are indeed involved in the research of the most engaging and innovative interior design creators in the field.

Maison et objet - Paris Design Week 2019
MAISON&OBJET 2019 © Fiffioux & f Fillioux

Le Off will replicate an experience resembling the participation Ambientha at Fuorisalone 2019 . During Milan Design Week , in fact, Ambientha has introduced the first exclusive wallpaper designs in Isola district at Milan Design Market , beside more than 45 other young designers worldwide. An international exhibition which has given them the possibility to get known and interact with other realities at an international level.

At Maison & Objet the new frontiers of the international design and the stars of the sector for 100.000 visitors every year: at Paris Design Week Laura Gonzalez.

Besides the most avanguard ideas, Maison & Objet public lands to Design Week to get the opportunity of touching with hand the creations of the most famous designers. Among them the architect Laura Gonzalez , nominated designer of the year , who has refined and shaped her artistic practices at Maison & Objet. Between classicism and a great imagination, Laura Gonzalez has developed her unique and immediately recognisable style, celebrated worldwide. It is through the accurate and elegant combination of textiles, materials and colors the architect finds her signature style conquering first Paris and then the other cities as well.

Laura Gonzalez – Credits Ambroise Tezenas

Here is how Maison & Objet, with its 115.000 mq and 3000 brands , proves to be the unmissable event for the interior design sector and more. Since 1995, it confirms itself as the clou event for the lifestyle, industrial design and architecture experts for the creation of new precious contacts and springboard of emerging talents.

Una inesauribile fonte di ispirazione nel mondo dell’interior design.

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