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Ambientha debutta alla Milan Design Week 2019 Image

Ambientha makes its debut at the Milan Design Week 2019

On April, Sunday 14th, the first Design Week of Ambientha has come to an end. An entire week in the name of design has registered record breaking numbers, with a total of 1350 events in the whole city of Milan, for an engaging debut at Fuorisalone.

The choice of Isola Design District: the historical Milan district is committed to international designers and local projects, defined by craftsmanship and development.

Isola, which has developed a greater appeal right next to the contemporary architectural excellences such as piazza Gae Aulenti , Bosco Verticale and the Unicredit Tower in the last 10 years, lies within places of mere and pure beauty. Hence, 4 years ago, the creative agency Blank has decided to turn the district into the cooler Milan design area .

Ambientha makes its debut at the Milan Design Market with the artistic wallpaper on the climate change thematic, more than 15.000 visitors at the event.

Milan Design Market has occurred, just like in the four previous editions, in the photographic studio of Via Pastrengo 14. The space of 400 mq, within one of the courtyard of the district, has host the exposition of 45 designers coming from all over the world in two different areas: the pop up store and the areas dedicated to the brands.

An international and engaging atmosphere where Ambientha has introduced its first artistic wallpaper, Arctic Tundra , realized by the illustrator Chiara Dattola . The intent of celebrating the beauty of life and nature, without giving up on launching an exhortation to awareness towards the world we live in: here comes the reason for Climate Conscious thematic, which has inspired the design. According to Ambientha, being conscious means choosing to protect and enhance the world, starting from your own. The choice has thrilled the visitors of Milan Design Market, more than 1000 per day, impressed by the representation, the colours of glaciers, their melting down into the water and by the exclusive subject of the wallpaper.

The wallpaper design, directly narrated by its artist in occasion of the Opening Party, showed also interactive details, or more precisely, the augmented reality.

Experiencing wallpapers in Milan through augmented reality. Collaborating with the app Aria, the exposition of Design Week involves everyone in a new experiment.

Thanks to Aria the AR platform application, in fact, it was possible to spot the artist video while she was drawing the wallpaper’s exclusive subject and also the first designs of artists Lauren Wan and Andrea Tarella, just by framing specific sections of Arctic Tundra. A different theme this time, Amazonia. The greenest and richest area on the planet has inspired the colourful wallpapers Red Blooming and Rio Reflections, different traits and styles to describe Amazonia Breathing theme.

Not only the exhibited wallpaper but the entire exposition in Via Pastrengo 14, the designers brochures and the guidelines of Isola Design District gave the chance to discover their hidden virtual contents. In a perspective of living an unexpected experience, in fact, Milan Design Market has shared the concept Find the Lost City, dressing the walls with Marie Chevalier and Colombe Crouan design. Not only an installation, printed out by Ambientha as sponsor of the event, but a proper architectonic setting which revealed new moments and details of the city through the augmented reality. Inspired by the melancholy of the old Italy and by the esthetic choices of Fellini movies, the French architects have come up with the project of reporting a contemporary solution of Amatrice earthquake’s victims relocation.

Fuorisalone is the international showroom for brands and designers but mostly for innovation, with projects which face the future, and for the functional design, modern and sustainable. Here comes Ambientha’s decision of introducing to the public its wallpapers’ e-commerce in Milan, to present the artists with whom its collections have began, and, above all, its concept. These are definitely the next dates to note down: 20-26 April, the Milan Design Week 2020.