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Come decorare una parete con la boiserie moderna Image

How to decorate a wall with modern boiserie

The boiserie represents an excellent solution to complete the furnishing of a house with elegance, style and personality. But what is there to know for the choice? Discover all the types, materials and combinations to use modern boiserie and create a refined atmosphere.

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8 idee per l’arredo di una camera da letto piccola Image

8 small bedroom design ideas

Light colours on the walls, matching and functional furniture, accessories and attention to detail, selected according to the style of the room: here’s where to start to find suitable ideas for decorating and furnishing a small bedroom. Let’s see 8 ideas.

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Come abbinare le pareti grigie in camera da letto Image

How to match grey walls in the bedroom

Did you know that the human eye perceives countless shades of grey? Discover the psychology of colour: what are the most suitable nuances for bedroom furnishing, to combine with grey walls and the most original ideas for wallpaper.

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I colori da scegliere per le pareti se vuoi dare luce alla casa: una soluzione stanza per stanza Image

Bright colours to choose for home: a room by room solution starting from the bedroom

When we cannot count on natural light, furniture and interior decoration can help: it is possible to visually enlarge the spaces by carefully choosing the colours for the walls.

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Colori rilassanti per la camera da letto: quali scegliere per il relax nella zona notte Image

Relaxing colours for the bedroom: which ones to choose for relaxation in the sleeping area

Whether you choose to paint the walls or apply a custom wallpaper, it is necessary to favor soothing colours for the bedroom, which promote sleep and relaxation. But what are the most suitable shades? Some ideas for furniture and decoration…

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Interni ricchi di fascino e mistero: la carta da parati esotica Image

Full of charm and mystery interiors: the exotic wallpaper

Exotic wallpaper is a mix of distant flavours: browse the design gallery!

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5 idee ricercate per decorare le pareti di casa, e non solo Image

5 refined wall decor ideas for home, and not only

Are you looking for original wall decor ideas? Here 5 refined proposals, from coverings and special finishes to accessories and design complements. For all tastes and environments: bespoke wallpapers, refined shades of paint and decorative resins, wood panels and even decorations realised with personal photographs…

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Ispirarsi al feng shui per i colori della camera da letto Image

Taking inspiration from feng shui for choosing your bedroom colors

Why leaving something in the way, something that could perhaps do us a favor? The idea behind feng shui is simple: we’re always under the influences coming from the environment surrounding us, so why should we let them affect us with a passive and casual attitude? The colors for example, they’re a crucial part for creating lovely and charming atmospheres within our house.

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Mobili, luci e colori per comporre la perfetta armonia in una mansarda open space Image

Combine furniture, lights and colours to create the perfect harmony in the attic conversion

Whether it has to be restructured or of new construction, the interior design choices for a small loft conversion offer you many sources of inspiration and cutting-edge ideas. An unconventional and romantic house.

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