If you are thinking about renovating your house, you should know that it is not impossible if you have two basic requirements : clear ideas about the result you want to achieve and a bit of humility to ask experts for advice in case of necessity and of complex problems. For example, interventions on load-bearing structures must be always done by qualified technicians to guarantee the correct work execution towards the parts that release authorizations.
You should pay attention to interiors arrangement and to systems predisposition, which are the solid points of house renovation, while the installation of coverings defines the new look of the house. The easiest areas you can renovate by yourself , where you can reach good results with a little amount of money, are the ones regarding coverings and decor .
Regarding Italy, the Government has extended the tax incentives for renovations and energy efficiency to 31 December 2020, offering a good reason to renovate your house.
House renovation: for the best result you need a good and careful study of the existing conditions
There is no doubt: the success of a restructuring, especially if radical, is based on correct planning of works and, consequently, it is directly proportional to the degree of definition of the project. The latter is not intended as a mere graphic representation of the work outcomes, but as a faithful reproduction of the atmosphere you intend to pursue .
If you want work on construction, also on the cheap, you need to clearly have in mind what you want to privilege and the budget, that doesn’t have to be too expensive but not too limited to affect the quality of materials. Choose a good expert that will help you with the design activity and with its presentation to the Municipal One-Stop Shop , since any authorization can be released without the asseveration of a registered technician.
Certified notification, licenses or building permits: which title you need to renovate your house
Once clarified the type of works you intend to follow, you should check if you need to submit an instance or if you can freely proceed . The difference between qualifications is established by Italian laws that define which works are subject to Cila, Scia or Building permit.
In free constructions we find ordinary maintenance interventions , like intern coverings replacement, painting walls and system substitution, outdoor spaces flooring, heat pumps and photovoltaic panels installation, architectural barriers removal, temporary works.

You need to turn to the Scia for
extraordinary maintenance interventions
. Building renovation is subject to the “certified notification of commencement of business”, provided that it doesn’t alter volumes and surfaces.
Cila appears as a residual category in which we find interventions that are not of free constructions, but they don’t require Scia. The building permit is used for
new constructions and extensions of existing ones
, and so it is not your case.
Demolition of partition walls and new indoor environments layout: the first step for your house renovation
Once you are done with these ritual formalities, and you are aware of having the foundations for your DIY renovation, you can finally start the works avoiding the unexpected.
A radical transformation implies an interior remodeling : in this case the first step, after having cleared out the apartment, consists of identifying the walls that have to be demolished . An expert’s project is fundamental to avoid tearing down load-bearing walls, and the consequentially stability of the entire property.
The demolition of a partition wall , instead, is not complex; you just need mallet and chisel paying attention to dust and rubble and to any pipes in the wall thickness. This is also time to remove coverings . Your home is now ready to take on a completely new look.
The systems: traces and preparation in strategic points for a functional house renovation
Once you have removed coverings and walls in excess, you can proceed with the rearrangement of spaces , building new wall partitions or, in case of an open space, dividing the interiors with furniture, and also establishing the layouts of the system.
It’s the time to solve any humidity, mold or infiltration problem because once you have installed coverings, you won’t be able anymore to act on the sub-tracks path. If it is necessary to intervene on external facades to redo plaster or paint, it is better to do it now. This phase includes also works on thermal and acoustic insulation : easy to do even in case of DIY with a limited budget.
Photography by Charles Deluvio -
Photography by Charles Deluvio
These works are aimed to avoid heat loss and to reduce disturbing noise emissions by working on the outer shell of the property, roof and window frames. The insertion of foams in walls is an activity that only specialised companies can do, but you can effectively put insulating panels on walls by yourself.
An effective and cheap solution to guarantee an energetic saving is a thermal coat made with plasterboard counter walls clinging to wooden frames. In the same way you can insulate the roof inserting an insulating material on the extrados of the ceiling. If your renovation house project doesn’t include the fixtures replacement with “low-emission” glass windows, you can achieve a satisfying outcome applying and renewing gaskets of the old ones.
The choice and the installation of interior coatings: fundamental elements for functional and aesthetic aspects of your house renovation
Now, that is time to choose coatings, you can unleash your creativity , thanks to an expanding trade which offers thousands of different products and to the interior design discipline which makes this area a religious creed. If you read any magazine, not only about interior architecture, you will find pictures of amazing houses, where floors, wallpapers and finishes convert the anonymous domestic interiors into real artworks . And you will also discover the new trends in interior decor .

The expressive power of coatings is able to give the property a feeling of extensive restructuring. Changing flooring (or simply overlaying a new one on the old), decorating walls, using particular frames, revolutionising colour combinations are easy changes to be made but very impactful at the same time. A trendy choice is the installation of wallpaper : of good-looking, easy to be applied and removed and extremely elegant, suitable for comfortable and cozy interiors like bedrooms.
A DIY decoration project. Wallpapers are suitable to decorate any parts of the house and you can buy them online
You can use wallpapers in the bedroom hanging them to the wall corresponding to the bed headboard, to make it evocative and original, or using it to highlight decor elements that you particularly like, for example mirrors, tallboys or chest of drawers.
Bedroom with Deja Vu Wave wallpaper – Design by Andrea Tarella -
Bedroom with Dhyana wallpaper – Design by Ambientha
Creativity and good taste (but also the artistic work of stylists that think about the design and chromatic combinations) suggest not to hang wallpapers only in the sleeping area , intimate and reserved, but in different rooms of the house to give them an eccentric and impactful look .
In the living area people usually decor one single wall with fantasy coverings and they leave plain the others, but they have to be chromatically harmonious between each other. The selected wall decorated with a wallpaper and its decor will capture the attention, giving a different perception of the entire interior.

Placing the sofa in front of this single wallpapered wall means that it will become the most important element of the house, giving a new perception of the entire decor. In the same way you can give a new eccentric look to the kitchen , modifying its perception, changing the flooring or covering the existing one with a special laminate to be then matched with the new walls colour.
The daring choice of hanging design wallpapers can completely change the look of everyday life interiors , giving to these anonymous areas a great and strong personality.
Is there an adhesive alternative to wallpapers? Conformable and resistant coverings for furniture and walls
If you want an original and sophisticated effect , the most innovative alternative to wallpaper consists of self adhesive coverings that remind us of the grain and shades of noble materials, both natural and artificial. They are soft and thin adhesive films that remind of the stone elegance, of the wood warmth, of the leather originality. You can buy and install them by yourself without any technical assistance: they will change the look of the property.

Adhesive films can be used to decor walls or to renew old furniture : being scratchproof and comfortable, they last in time and they don’t make bubbles on the surface. Would you like to see how to apply them? Have a look at the tutorial video and find out how to apply coverings to renew an old drawers.
Interiors take shape: decorations and spaces definition give style and personality to your house renovation
Your house is almost ready and you can nearly see the final configuration. Once you have chosen the materials and colours for coverings, it is necessary to define the decor .
The chromatic match between furniture and walls is fundamental to give harmony to your house and make it organic and pleasant. During this phase you can be helped by an interior designer expert that will make your aspirations and wishes come true in a functional and modern offer.
A little help is fundamental if you want a piece of tailor-made furniture , that need to be customised according to your home needs . If circumstances are favorable so that you can reuse the existing decor , you can renew the old furniture by yourself through adhesive films that faithfully reproduce the veins and colours of the wood with a soft matt finish.
Adhesive covering Rustic Pine -
Rustic Pine table top application -
Rustic Pine covering kitchen doors
The kitchen doors , for example, can be covered with colours and patterns that will turn demodé compositions into modern and bright ones, while self adhesive coverings are ideal for your kids bedrooms: you can cover beds and wardrobes with taste and creativity and they will take on a new look that will make parents and children very happy. Also these interiors can change their look if you paint walls with creativity, with no fear of daring. You can make your renovated house unique if you succeed in matching walls paint with glimpses of wall decorated with a tailor-made wallpaper .
Would you like a customised wallpaper for your bedroom? Don’t waste more time, order it now, here!
You shouldn’t forget the interiors lighting : remember that exists a specific discipline, the lighting technology discipline, which defines colours, orientation and tone of the lights to be used inside and outside. A well-studied lighting creates atmospheres that no furniture is able to give.
House renovation and tax incentives: tax breaks provided by the 2020 Budget Law
Last topic of this article concerns the Italian tax incentives provided by the 2020 Budget Law , of which many were already in force in past years and simply reconfirmed. Among them you can use the Restructuring Bonus , the Ecobonus and the Furniture Bonus to save money on the interventions mentioned above. Tax incentives enable you to deduct 50% of what you have spent , up to € 96.000, that will then be given back to you in ten equal annual installments.
Any intervention regarding property renovation, security level raise, energy saving and efficiency, facades recovery, noise emission control and even large appliances purchase, can be deducted.
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