One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to the decoration of bathrooms, and in particular showers, or kitchens, is surely: “ How to make the wallpaper waterproof? ” The answer revolves around the surface resin treatment, the fundamental step to obtain a completely water-resistant wall. We at Ambientha , manufacturers of bespoke wallpaper, have collected in this article all the questions we receive every day, providing the most detailed answers possible, with the contribution of our trusted installers .
When should wallpaper be waterproofed?
First of all, it is right to ask when it is necessary to intervene with the waterproofing treatment of the wallpaper. Obviously this depends on the environment you choose to decorate. It will not be necessary to opt for the resin coating of a bedroom or a living room, therefore often ventilated areas where the walls do not come into contact with water or humidity, while it will be important for the following spaces: kitchen (especially if the wallpaper installed in close to the kitchen floor), bathroom and terrace .

The same reasoning applies to professional and public interiors . It is necessary to waterproof the wallpaper installed in a spa or sauna (or in its changing rooms), in the bathrooms of hotels/tourist receptions and in restaurants and bars. In this regard, the protective resin is essential for the back counter and is highly recommended even in rooms, precisely to ensure complete resistance to all walls.
How to make wallpaper waterproof?
As mentioned above, the material to be used is the two-component resin . In particular, it is a matte transparent protective finish specially developed to protect and waterproof wallcoverings. In interior decoration projects, Ambientha offers two different materials to make the wallpaper surfaces washable and with excellent resistance to scratching and wear:
– resin supply (for PRO wallpaper – non-woven + PVC)
– Wet System complete cycle (for fibreglass wallpaper)
In fact, when you opt for fibreglass wallpaper , the support specially developed to be resistant to humidity and therefore the most suitable for walls directly in contact with water or particularly humid, it is essential to proceed with the complete Wet System treatment .
What is the complete Wet System made of?
The Ambientha Wet System is a complete and safe system for fibreglass wallpaper and consists of:
for the preparation of the wall,
for the fibreglass installation,
matte and trasparent,
finish sealant
This particular decorative coating requires specific materials for installation, as indicated in the Ambientha application guide . Once the surface has been resined, a final step with the sealant is also required to complete the job.
Who to contact to waterproof the wallpaper?
If the tnt (or tnt + PVC) wallpaper can be installed by non-professional expert hands, obviously following the manual provided by the manufacturer step by step, for the fibreglass wallpaper this is not the case. In fact, not only is it important to request the intervention of a professional installer , but it is also necessary that it is a decorator who knows these materials, in particular the fibreglass media.

Each interior decoration project responds to precise aesthetic needs and the passage of the application can be defined as the icing on the cake. Even more so if we are talking about this kind of decoration projects, wet environments or with direct water on the wall, which are technically more complex.