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Art & Design

Arte Astratta: i grandi Maestri del contemporaneo continuano a stupirci… sui muri di casa Image

Abstract Art: the great Masters of the contemporary art keep amazing us… on the house walls

The artistic contribution of Ambientha thanks to the ArtLab project continues and the purpose to allow everyone to have artworks within the domestic walls as well. They continue with a typology of art that is often an outcome of reticence in the public eye because far from the classic idea of “beauty”. Let’s talk about Abstract Art…

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ArtLab: insieme a Bridgeman Images le opere d’arte più famose entrano nelle nostre case Image

ArtLab: with Bridgeman Images, the most famous artworks enter our homes

The iconic artworks come out of school’s books or either museums and join our everyday lives in different ways. Bridgeman Images chooses Ambientha to bring the works of great artists to the walls of our homes, public and private places: the ArtLab by Ambientha is born.

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Inspiration Book 2020: Power of Nature Image

Inspiration Book 2020: Power of Nature

Renewable energies in the world represent the true awareness of the present and its development in actions, aimed at taking care of ourselves and of the planet. Nature as a source of life takes on incomparable importance for us all. So for Ambientha it becomes daily inspiration, for carrying out activities and for telling new scenarios through wallpapers of exclusive design.

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HOMO FABER: a Venezia il grande evento dedicato all’uomo artigiano contemporaneo Image

HOMO FABER: in Venice the great event dedicated to the contemporary craftsman

Now, more than ever, it is the time to talk about the craftsman, the one who rediscovers the strength of practical work on objects. For us it is the Homo Faber and it will be on display in Venice in 2021. We invite you to discover his art and what he is able to produce thanks to his imagination, his technical skills and the new design opportunities.

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Inspiration Book 2020: Little Steps Image

Inspiration Book 2020: Little Steps

Little Steps comes from an insight into children’s world: the innocence and creativity of the little ones, even though perceived as long gone, is fascinating from a multitude of perspectives. Why can’t we just try smiling free from concerns?

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Un viaggio tra le correnti artistiche e il design d’interni, dagli anni ’20 a oggi Image

A journey through artistic currents and interior design trends, from the 1920s to the present

The evolution of interior design through the artistic currents that have written history. Discover what to bring with us from the best trends, from the 1920s to today!

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Design biofilico: cosa significa e come può davvero migliorarci la giornata Image

Biophilic design: what does it mean and how can it improve the day

We are always looking for places and practices that make us feel well. We are aware that we could get even more well-being from Earth respecting it and its fragility. This is where biophilic design comes from, a discipline that brings plants and green elements into our homes and working interiors.

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Maison & Objet: verso la Paris Design Week 2019 Image

Maison & Objet: towards Paris Design Week 2019

September is the month dedicated to design in Paris. From 5 to 14 September Paris Design Week will go on stage, along with Maison & Objet, which establishes the beginning of the new creative year for designers, showing up here from all over the world. And more: producers, dealers, companies, artists or maybe just amateurs, coming to Paris to visit 4 dynamic districts scattered around the city and providing almost 200 places where discovering the new design proposals.

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Dalí a Matera, la Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019 Image

Salvador Dalí in Matera: The capital of European culture 2019

One of the most eccentric and brilliant minds of the history of world art, now his artworks will be host among the famous stones of Matera. Salvador Dalí’s exhibition “The persistence of the Opposites” lands in Matera with his surrealist sculptures, among the walls of the city’s rock churches.

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