Usually a story focuses on the leading actor. Here, well, the main actress it’s me or, perhaps, my journey. The journey I’ve decided to embark on a year and a half ago already, meant to learn and maybe change, to mature, unconsciously.
I set off from Milan to London, absorbed in such an overwhelming life experience that, once back home, it’s hard to share with friends or relatives, the commitment is strong but the importance it represents is hard to tell.
A chaotic, dynamic, multicultural, inspiring and picturesque city.
A serie of adjectives that together have been so invigorating to me.
Within a short time I could think of that new place as a proper home. People, customs, schedules and different flavours… Meeting London new reality for the first time has not been easy, but, over time, I’ve started
enjoying moments
without any shyness or fear. It was me and the world ahead.
As the days passed, a pressing rhythm of freshness and suggestions. I’ve started gathering unedited parts of a puzzle, that, as the time goes by, I put together in a likely everlasting bigger picture, and I carried them with me. On my way home, in the apartment I used to share with Luca (the host I’ll never stop to be thankful to for his stunning hospitality) I could still feel those thrills
throughout my skin
. Every day used to turn in an extraordinarily challenging path to explore.
But how to preserve those inspirations?
The colours of the sky wouldn’t leave my mind, I could still hear the noise of the busy streets or the harmony of voices. I could still reminisce the parfums and the feelings that had blown me away still lived inside me. But how long could it last? I couldn’t imagine to lose even just a single piece of that puzzle.
One day, the idea of going back to Italy started gradually rising in my mind, back to the starting point, and my rhetorical question became more and more urgent: how to go back and re-experience the inspirations the London universe had given me?
As with everything, such a strong feeling never abandons you, therefore I tried engaging my family. Not an easy task, often the commitment you put on sharing a story is vain if the stories you live wrap you up like this, to 360°.
I left, I went back home, and here the idea came to life. The urge to discover the world in order to forge the ordinary, the decision to find out other evocative pieces of the puzzle and to take the chance to bring them back to life whenever we want to.
Ambientha comes to life , in Milan and all over the world .
Blending our passions and professions, focusing on everyone’s experience and on the value generated over the years, from the last generation machinery to the importance of the Made in Italy. Maurizio, my father, who handles the publishing, branding and graphic design segment, and Laura, my mother, who manages large format digital print. Decades of experience of crucial relevance which I join too, after majoring in languages, I’ve started dedicating my studies to digital marketing, as well as my professional paths. Here the spectrum of issues that persuaded us to band together in order to create Ambientha.

The enthusiasm at the heart of our project lies under the belief that the experiences and
emotions of our daily life
represent a
massive source of inspiration
to draw on, narrate, dream and also
. Today, with lots of efforts and most of all determination, we’ve opted for what we love, discovering new thrills and sharing them through the environments. We want to reach the hearts of those who explore the world by getting a taste of every nuance it offers, like we do, and mostly of those who don’t want to miss these emotions. Finding out stories and perceptions to give them back and re-experience them.
We want it to be real
, we want to
touch it and feel it in the places of our life
. This is why we have chosen durable and high-quality materials, to meet the different needs of every type of interiors, and realistic nature-based finishes, linked to the world that surrounds us, to share all the veracity of our experiences.
An individual journey, the story of a family, a project Made in Italy.
Our wish is to engage all of you in the creative process run by Ambientha in order to access new realities and create products which take inspiration from people backgrounds and suggestions. We believe that Ambientha symbolizes an inner and distinctive trait aimed to generate embracing and engaging atmospheres. The journey around the world, together with ours, will thereby become the tool to rewind emotions and adventures, the details or maybe the scenarios seen along the way, the melodies or even just a sound, that we’ve experienced and, above all, that we have loved.