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Inspiration Book 2021: The World Through Image

Inspiration Book 2021: The World Through

Ambientha was born to give life to inspirations, traveling a journey among the souls of the world, values ​​to visit, protect and understand. Suggestions and new dreams arise from our experiences, from our knowledge.

Life goes on but at a completely different pace. These last two years have put a strain on all of us and have brought us new fears but also new awareness.T he pandemic reminded us of limits, vulnerabilities, borders. In a certain sense it meant “closing”, getting away from what we loved.  This is why we at Ambientha have chosen to “open new horizons”, to look ahead and above all to look beyond. With the new theme The World Through of the Inspiration Book 2021 we desire to open new windows on the world, to imagine new horizons in our life..

New ways of seeing the home: your window on the world

If the importance for our health and that of our loved ones has been a leitmotif that has accompanied us day after day, there were other needs, more hidden, which characterised daily life. The house has been transformed into the refuge that protected us from the unknown and uncertainty, which often took over.

finestra sul mondo inspiration book 2021
The World Through – Inspiration Book 2021

Now home is the metaphor of a new awareness , an unprecedented observation point is born on what is “outside” that opens up before our eyes. The need to live in comfortable environments is increasingly felt and it is important that the spaces allow us a relationship with the outside. The World Through, the theme proposed to artists to create exclusive wallpapers is the new perspective on the world, everything we wish to see in our future is out there: justice, beauty, serenity, love.

New ways of living the interiors

What would you like to see when you wake up in the morning or while you are relaxing in the living room? We have been forced not to go out for a long time and all over the world and not for everyone this meant shelter and safety. In any case, whatever the situation, we all felt like the lack of air, of an uncertain future and new horizons, this has radically changed our way of living spaces.

Unique and welcoming corners, the wallpaper represents not only our wishes and thoughts for the future, but opens a real window on the world, transforming the walls into new dreams and inspirations.

Trends and design towards a new-found normality

Ideas, images and emotions are now reworked by international artists, graphic designers and illustrators, with creativity and a strong sensitivity. Wallpaper designs alternate, from real backdrops and scenographies to delicate, naturally decorative details .

From the trends for 2021 in the fashion and interior design sectors emerge colours, shapes and materials increasingly linked to nature . Its regenerative and beneficial power is the fundamental basis of the indissoluble relationship with man, which is why avant-garde coverings and designs such as wallpapers can only follow and take strong inspiration.

Your window on the world: the contributions and inspirations of the community

The Ambientha community makes a strong contribution to the research and selection of themes, and thanks to the moments and inspirations shared on Instagram with #livingtheinspiration , suggestions for artists come from different parts of the world.

Details of the world, of a 2020 that has deeply affected each of us around the world and that we lived, tasted and dreamed.

Here are some photographs that have become part of the Inspiration Book , by @rccpll @bruno.f.far @arnaud.quercy.creations,, @rute_sousa, @yagoemon, @jessica_fiore_photographie… And many others more!

The first wallpaper opens the door to a romantic panorama

As in a splendid open-air painting , the watercolours spread small flashes of color on the walls. Dear Land is the first wallpaper design inspired by The World Through , created by artist Lauren Wan that evokes the dreams of a bay at the beginning of spring, fresh and sparkling for a romantic panorama.

Carta da parati Dear Land Bay by Lauren Wan

The wallpaper transports you beyond closed spaces for an external look on the desired world, a design with a shabby and refined taste, ideal for giving unpredictability and sweetness to modern furnishings.

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