Ambientha is born with the aim of generating inspirations. Our bond with the outside world is rich of suggestions, emotions, dreams. We feel small towards nature and its forces, and at the same time we can’t resist the overwhelming charm of its beauty. Similarly, we are moved by the civilization, the vivacity and progress of men’s action. Human being and nature as a duo, an unstable balance, made of contrasts, often of prevarication.
Living in a big city enables us to contemplate life, which constantly changes and evolves with great excitement. Creating your own space within this liveliness is possible, and filling it with endless experiences even more. Every Urban Day means perceiving the vibrations of the surrounding urban reality, but mostly, treasuring those feelings for living your spaces at best .
A urban style inspiration, it goes through the bustling city and accompanies you during your day, as far as the quietness of your house
The design of the metropolis often reminds us we act just as the minor part of a greater mechanism. The days marked by fast rhythms recur in wide, often crowded and chaotic spaces. These may be considered liabilities compared to the idea of a country life, as a matter of fact, the facets are several and different.

Every Urban Day means “beyond” . Beyond what appears to be ordinary and regular, beyond the dark and greyish views of streets and buildings, beyond the immersed looks of those who are committed to reach their goal. Indeed, the cosmopolitan daily life in a big city enlivens with countless possibilities, thus allowing you to meet your interests, lighten your worries and boost your curiosity. A chance that makes you embracing job opportunities , cultures , languages, different tastes , all in a single place. Any kind of incentive to internalize, conserve in your memories and re-experience whenever you want.
Search beyond the ordinary and keep close the details enhancing your soul. Dress your space with everyday emotions
Every moment, when rushing to the office in the morning, sipping a coffee in a downtown café or waiting impatiently the subway… When you less expect it you may spot a detail, a light, a combination of instants capable of generating a new emotion. Once faraway from the frenetic life, in the quietness of your home, those emotions originate thoughts, maybe dreams, which you unconsciously store in the deep. This is the reason why Ambientha chooses to dress your environments with exclusive decors , but mostly, stories and experiences .

Milan marks the creation of Ambientha and the inspiration urban style CityArt coming from it, wallpapers describe the streets of life . The design borns for organizing thoughts and collecting every input we meet along our path. The map highlights the relations between the parts, the same we enclose in ourselves. CityArt Milano provides a different picture of the city, it exhibits its routes on a materic, realistic and engaging background.
Urban total look: contemporary, modern and industrial influences, for a comfortable atmosphere to go back to
If you’re devoted to the comfortable and glamour side of urban style, focus on creating the right balance between artistic decorations, modern and functional accessories, neutral and warm colors, smooth lines . The lighting of these spaces is important to bring a natural and relaxing atmosphere where benefiting the moments of relax, alone or in good company.

And then, personality . Making a statement and standing out of this “cementum jungle” is the unique urban touch which characterizes you. Opting for rustic and industrial , for a decor which blends tradition and modernity, a metropolitan loft carrying with it a natural and elegant charm, or rather a much green option, placing plants and flowers within your bedroom , for a perfect natural oasis in between buildings .

A green choice for your house, as well as using natural materials or materic adhesive coverings for surfaces able convey the same feeling, is the secret for donating your space a sense of well-being and decreasing the daily stress.
A creative collaborative project. Anyone can participate with its own inspiration in a perfect urban style
Ambientha wallpapers aim at giving expression to feelings, dreams, emotions actually experienced , for this purpose your contribute is precious and real. Every Urban Day represents the fourth thematic of Inspiration Book 2019, the one concerning the urban suggestions proposed to illustrators, painters, visuals and surface designers.

Ambientha becomes the
personal hallmark
for creating a unique and embracing atmosphere within your beloved environments. Are you curious about the
next exclusive wallpaper designs drawn by the artists