The new DIY: how to design home online
Maintenance works postponed for too long, projects put aside, constructions waiting for being realized, in those unusual days there is the keen desire of getting back to normality and not putting off. So let’s start, let’s find out how to design your home… online!
Learn moreHow to install self-adhesive coverings to renovate furniture
Gli spazi della vita accompagnano la nostra quotidianità ed è per questo che ci impegniamo a renderli ogni giorno accoglienti e confortevoli. Sentirsi a casa spesso dipende dalle scelte che prendiamo per i nostri ambienti, dallo stile per l’arredamento, i materiali, i colori. E quando i gusti cambiano? Arriva il momento di rinnovare secondo nuove idee e tendenze, per esempio, cambiare colore ai mobili, o alle pareti.
Learn more5 kitchen renovation ideas, without changing furnitures
The solutions for renovating kitchen furniture, without necessarily changing them, are several: from the use of the old decorative technique of découpage and Papered Forniture, to the application of professional materic coverings for furniture (among the trendiest solutions for home restyling), all the way to the color change of walls and furnishings.
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