One of the most eccentric and brilliant minds of the history of world art, now his artworks will be host among the famous stones of Matera. Salvador Dalí ’s exhibition “The persistence of the Opposites” lands in Matera with his surrealist sculptures , among the walls of the city’s rock churches . Not only a painter, between 1934 and 1987, Dalí sees the tridimensionality of sculpture as a revelatory expression for his artistic genius, at the same time fluid and rigid, real and imaginary. We celebrate Dalí in Matera until the end of 2019, for the first time together in the millenary city of stones.

The exhibition has been set up with the collaboration of the Dalí Universe Foundation , together with the Cultural Materan Association La Scaletta and Phantasya , specialized in innovative and multisensorial solutions for the installation of expositions.
An unexpected location for Salvador Dalí artworks: the borough of Matera is the capital of European Culture.
How is it possible to mix the bizarre sculptures of Salvador Dalí with a rock structure of the XII century hosting paintings of 1600? This is the great challenge of “the persistence of the opposites” exhibition: churches, carved into the rock, hold within totally different sculptural items.

It is right into Madonna delle Virtù church that today, after many years of neglect and degradation, it is accessible, thanks to the restoration by La Scaletta club and the rock church San Nicola dei Greci which have made this lucky event possible.
The sculptural artworks of the Catalan Master integrate with the fabric of the city, revolutionizing and contrasting the raw and rock material of the Materan churches. “Dalí in Matera” exhibits “the expression of metamorphosis” in his bronze artworks, manifestation of the surrealists dreams of Salvador Dalí, realized through the lost wax casting technique.
Matera is the protagonist of a cultural revolution occurring the first time in 1993 , with the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Declaration , then, with the election as Capital of the European Culture 2019 and the planning of events and exhibitions such as Dalí in Matera, which plays with opposites and mixes them, thus creating new standards of beauty.
The meaning of being the capital of European culture and the experience of one of the most attractive Italian boroughs: Matera 2019
It’s time for Matera 2019 : 365 days for 48 weeks of planning , 800 workers busy with its realization and international artists committed to create more than 50 cultural installations around the city . The southern capital has persuaded the European Union, and by 2019 it will be declared prime location for the implementation of engaging cultural projects. In fact, since 1985, starting by Athens, many European cities have carried on this important recognition creating cultural projects in their countries and in Europe, from the urban regeneration of cities such as Glasgow and Essen, passing by Italy among the cities of Genoa, Bologna, Florence. Now it’s the turn of Matera, a great responsibility for a small city.
The new wallpaper design is inspired to the Italian treasures: Ambientha presents Treasure Italia.
The Italian boroughs are among the greatest treasures of our Bel paese and the recognition to Matera as a capital proves the rising importance at a tourism level, but most of all at a cultural one. There’s no better definition than Treasure Italia to describe the heritage internationally acclaimed our nation donates us everyday, even through initiatives and events .

The new thematic by Ambientha for its artists, for the realization of new wallpaper designs, is inspired to Matera: Treasure Italia , the authenticity of the italian boroughs, the beauty of snowy mountains and crystalline waters, the famous historic monuments and the genuine craftsmanship of its urban centres.
After Amazonia Breathing , dedicated to the conservation of the richest area of our planet with the first wallpapers of the artist Lauren Wan , and Climate Conscious , the appeal to climate change by Ambient, through the first subjects of the illustrator Chiara Dattola , here the new thematic. The artists have accepted the challenge and will realize projects dedicated to the Italian boroughs, fully embracing this new inspiration. First of these Tradition Italia , with its chromatic variations Genuine Italia and Brilliance Italia , of the artist Chiara Dattola.
An ambitious project for experiencing the Italian treasures across the environments of our daily life.