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carta da parati terrazzo milano ambientha

Terrace – Private Residence

New outdoor background: the panorama of the city of Milan on one side, on the other Wonderland.

A fascinating and contemporary project, the decoration with wallpaper for the terrace of the milanese private residence. Chiara Dattola‘s design was a love at first sight, Ambientha has thus created the print on the most suitable material for humid environments: fibreglass.

carta da parati terrazzo milano ambientha

Bruno and Marco Andreotti took care of the installation, from the shaving after installation with specific clinging to the installation of the wallpaper, subsequent finishes and two-handed resining.

carta da parati terrazzo milano ambientha

Wonderland wallpaper customized for the 10-meter terrace, the main repositioned designs to better frame the wall and to respond to architectural features.

carta da parati terrazzo milano ambientha