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Art & Design

Armonia ed eleganza dell’arte giapponese. Conosciamola e portiamola in casa Image

Harmony and elegance of Japanese art. Let’s get to know it and bring it home

Thanks to art and design we travel far and arrive in Japan. Japanese art opens up to a world of practices and techniques that we now want to tell you about in our own way through the ArtLab…

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Notti stellate e campi di grano alle pareti: Vincent van Gogh non è mai stato così vicino Image

Starry nights and wheat fields on the walls: Vincent van Gogh has never been so close

One of the most loved artists of all time. But even more criticized, laughed at in life, copied and paid for, when by now the money obtained from the sale of his works was no longer needed. He who started schools of thought and artistic practice that are still professed and taught today. We are talking about the famous painter Vincent van Gogh, through his most famous works now in giant format, but within the reach of anyone who wants to enjoy them.

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